The Value of Community

Executive Peer Exchange Participation

Harness the Power of Peer Connection

Become a Member of a Peer Community

The pace of change in business is unprecedented, and as such, it can be lonely at the top. PIE-powered exchanges allow you to connect with other executives navigating similar challenges. PIE connects peers both virtually and in-person, with our virtual communities allowing you to connect with c-level leaders from across the globe in timely, one-hour roundtables throughout the year. During the exchange, you’ll also have one to two industry experts in the room who can provide guidance and share market insights in response to questions. Our process ensures the topics are timely and relevant as participating executives themselves create the agendas.  

If you could connect with a dozen peers, what would you want to ask them? 

participating in a video call

Participation Highlights

What to Expect as a Member
  • Exchanges are professionally facilitated by PIE, an independent third-party.  
  • Most conversations are held virtually, allowing you to join from any location and connect with peers across the country or the globe.  
  • Minimal time commitment—we understand busy schedules. Simply join and engage as your calendar allows. Most exchanges are one-hour. 
  • Conversations are relevant and amongst an audience of peers. You contribute to the agendas that guide each exchange by sharing your top priorities and questions with PIE’s facilitator. Exchanges include a true peer group of hand-selected executives to ensure alignment of interests.  
  • There is no cost to participate. 
woman participating in a video conference call

Building Peer Networks

Peer Conversations | 2023

Executives Participated | 2023

Peer Networks Powered | 2023

Connecting Minds

It's What We Do.

Building Peer Networks

Why Executives Participate in our Exchanges

They are true peer groups.

These exchanges are a chance to learn from others and to benchmark against a true peer group. Members will be in the same roles from similarly-sized companies. Participation is by invitation-only, and no delegates are allowed. You have the opportunity to learn and benchmark with a true peer group. 

The agenda of each exchange is determined by participating members. 

Exchange agendas focus on the questions and interests of the members. PIE interviews participants in advance of every interaction to make sure the agenda reflects the interests of those participating. The conversation will be focused on your interests.  

They are professionally facilitated. 

PIE is a third party: our goal is to create a conversation you find useful and eliminate bias. All conversations are held using the Chatham House Rule, ensuring confidentiality. 

They are free.

Peer exchange groups are hosted and underwritten by professional services firms who are committed to their industry’s conversation. Exchanges are never advertisements or webinars.  

executive actively talking while on a video call

Who Does PIE Convene In Peer Exchanges?

PIE serves executives across numerous industries, functions, and geographies. Below is a snapshot of some of our peer exchange groups.

If you are an executive (VP or a C-title) and think joining an executive peer exchange group would benefit you, we’d like to hear from you.

Placement in an exchange group is not guaranteed.

*required field

Name (required)(Required)
Email (required)(Required)

Common Functions of Members Include:

  • CDOs
  • CFOs
  • CHROs
  • CIOs
  • CMOs
  • COOs
  • CPOs
  • CROs
  • CSCOs
  • CTaxOs
  • CTechOs

Common Industries Represented:

  • Banking
  • Consulting
  • Cross-Industry
  • Financial Services
  • Government
  • Healthcare/Pharma
  • Insurance
  • IT
  • Legal
  • Real Estate
  • Tech