Originally published in MarketWatch The cancellation of the world’s largest mobile-phone trade fair in February and dozens of other events since has brought home the reality that the coronavirus will be a major disruption to business as usual. Since the Mobile World...
Published in Attorney at Work. While this article specifically mentions law, the advice given is applicable to all professional services firms. No matter how big (or not) your firm is, or how high (or not) you’ve climbed up the ladder, the key question is not “How can...
Published in Industry Week. Over the past two decades, low-cost manufacturing has transformed China and a group of other developing countries including Thailand and Vietnam. Manufacturing now makes up around 40% of China’s GDP, 26% of Thailand’s and 16% of Vietnam’s,...
Published in Chief Executive. They sound like synonyms—but they’re not. Understanding the difference could mean millions won or lost for your business. Everyone in professional services holds this truth to be self-evident: It’s critically important that your...