I just booked my first business development trip to New York in fifteen months. In 2019, I was in the City every other month; then COVID grounded me and taught me the fine art of Zoom backgrounds and Teams chat. As we graduate from our first no-mask Independence Day,...
As a Bozeman-grown company, Montana and its people, are near and dear to our hearts. Starting in 2021, an internal committee of PIE employees will review nominations to determine the recipient of our annual gift through our Charitable Giving Donation program. Through...
Originally published in Entrepreneur After more than a year of quarantine, don’t underestimate the pent-up demand for face-to-face contact. The time is right for smart businesses to plan for life after quarantine. COVID-19 vaccination rates are up, infection...
Originally in Chief Executive. Don’t hamstring your professional services firms with outdated compensation policies that reward individuals instead of the team. This approach may have worked well in the past, but in a 2021 economy and beyond, there’s a better way....
Originally published by Dave Bayless CEO for Profitable Ideas Exchange, Tom McMakin, was recently highlighted in an article by Luk Smeyers of The Visible Authority. He is featured among other leaders in Smeyer’s list of “25 People I’m Thankful For...